The company

Join Maestro is a 7-week Bootcamp aiming to train the best product managers within the tech industry, based in Paris, France. Maestro is part of Maria Schools , a concept school that focuses on digital markets by delivering training in Product Management, Content Management, and other fields.
notion image

Job role

I have 2 roles for joinmaestro : guest lecturer and Bootcamp headmaster :
As a guest lecturer, I’m in charge of animating a specific day of training regarding 🔍 Day#3 : identify & estimate product problems
  • Creation of a lecture and a practical case in iterations
  • Animation of full-time and part-time training sessions on various promotions
  • Support for students in their reflections on their career as a product manager
As a Bootcamp headmaster, I’m in charge of helping guest lecturers with their training animation for full and part-time bootcamps
  • Helping speakers during sessions to help solve the practical case.
  • Co-animation of the sessions with the Maestro representative to ensure the smooth running of the interventions
  • Support for students in their reflections on their career as a product manager
  • Sharing of experience and reflection on the subjects raised by the speakers
  • Creation of a lecture and a practical case in iterations
  • Animation of full-time and part-time training sessions on various promotions
  • Support for students in their reflections on their career as a product manager


Joinmaestro contacted me in November 2020 as they were missing a guest lecturer for their next Bootcamp starting within the next few days. I was always interested to be part of an education program as it is an important source of motivation and inspiration for me to share knowledge with anybody curious.
I was asked to create a training deck in 10 days to cover sufficient relevant information about the following topics: how to identify product problems? Challenged by the task, I crafted 150 slides and added a practical case within the period expected.
The first lecture was very stressful and impressive to live in, it was exhausting and felt amazing. Since then, I became a regular lecturer for joinmaestro, participating in up to 10 promotions classes and then evolved into different roles such as headmaster, mentor for alumni or even coaching b2b classes for companies looking for product management training.
What I like about product management training is 2 things:
  • You get challenged by students that have sometimes more experience than you do but need to cover the basics of product management
  • You iterate by collecting insightful feedback on your training deck and get the feeling to participate in the building of a knowledge basis on the product management market on a global scale.


  • Intervention grade of 4.6/5 out of all training interventions from students/alumni
  • 85% of students recruited after graduating the Bootcamp
  • 5 students became personal mentees following the Bootcamp
  • Few feedbacks :
    • “Excellent pedagogy, a lot of rhythms which encourages to follow. Very detailed and personalized content”
    • “Hyper rich, ditto very honest and intelligent person, no problem to speak without double talk”
    • “I loved all his very concrete anecdotes on the job of PM, full of advice that I'm sure I'll reuse when I practice this job myself.”

Key takeaways and learnings

  • My main takeaway from this experience is the fact that 80% of the lecture’s success is based on your animation of the exchange between students. It’s ok to not have a perfect lecture, you can’t gather all the experience in the world but it’s not efficient to present a poorly energetic presentation.
  • Students are your users, listen to them as you would listen to your clients. My training deck evolved based mostly on the student's feedback on their understanding of my content.
  • Education with people is like a giant ongoing AB test, I found that it was a formidable way to create experiments and create parallels with my daily product manager role within other companies. It is a great sandbox to test new processes, communication channels, ice breakers or create new concepts.
During a part-time session on Zoom
During a part-time session on Zoom
Video lecture that students that view online
Video lecture that students that view online
Discussing with students about practical questions
Discussing with students about practical questions
Creating discussion out of a lecture slide
Creating discussion out of a lecture slide


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